In All These Things, We are MORE THAN CONQUERORS (The reviews are in!)
Do you struggle with discouragement, disappointment, difficult and oft-times overwhelming situations and decisions in your daily life? So did the apostle Paul (2 Cor. 11:23–12:8). And yet, as we see in verses 9 and 10 of that same chapter, as well as in Philippians 4, he had learned the secret of sincerely rejoicing and being completely content, no matter what or how devastating his daily personal struggles or circumstances (Philippians 4:4–13). And that included some of the most unfair, unparalleled, and unbelievable struggles, situations, and circumstances imaginable (Acts 16:16–25). How did he do it? Simple. He understood, took to heart, utilized, accessed, and stood upon the absolute fact, of the daily victory which all of us who are New Testament Christians HAVE ALREADY BEEN GIVEN “IN CHRIST,” to simply experience, enjoy, and live out in our own daily lives, just as he did in his. He had integrated into his most inner and intimate being, the incredible, infinite, and divinely-inspired promises which he then also sought to share with his and our struggling first-century brethren in Romans 8.
And this daily victory which New Testament Christians HAVE ALREADY BEEN GIVEN “IN CHRIST,” and which is, therefore, the very last thing that Satan wants any of us to realize and utilize in our daily lives, serves as the ultimate and all-empowering message behind “More Than Conquerors,” an 18-chapter, 192 page book based upon the eighth chapter of the Book of Romans, which has received the following reviews:
1. Brother Phil Sanders (Author; Speaker for In Search of The Lord’s, after reading the original manuscript, wrote:
Each of us goes through the valleys of depression and doubt, needing an encouraging word to lift us up and encourage our hearts to go forward in faith and determination to do what is right. Douglas Dingley has given us this needed boost to our spirits in his reminder of the victory that is ours in Christ. We are indeed conquerors because of His victory and His love for us. We can have no greater foundation for our confidence than the knowledge God keeps His promises. With this confidence brother Dingley assures us of our daily victory in Christ.
Upon its publication, he additionally posted the following to his Facebook page:
My friend, Douglas Dingley, recently had his excellent book published! “More than Conquerors” shows how the Christian can live in daily victory in Christ. I highly recommend this book and hope you will read it.
2. Brother Travis Main (Author; Webmaster @, after reading the original manuscript, wrote:
… Light in darkness… sun burning away the fog… a thousand mile journey to find what you needed was at home all along. This book calls the reader to realize what God has promised and what God has given. It emboldens and assures the Christian who lives in fear of embracing his own salvation: “His faithfulness is plain and simple.” Great Book! Absolutely enjoyed the read and I think it will be highly beneficial.
3. And now, one of the finest, most respected, and longest running publications in our entire and beloved brotherhood, Gospel AdvocateMagazine ( has published the following review of More Than Conquerors:
Douglas Dingley’s More Than Conquerors accomplishes its goal and purpose — to convince Christians that they are not an assortment of victims but an assembly of victors. He does this through an “intense study” of Romans 8. The reader is given a clear view of what it truly means to understand, live and grasp the blessings made possible through the humiliation of the cross; we are more than conquerors.
The sad fact is too many Christians do not experience the daily joy God intends for His people. Dingley answers the question, “Why?” He wants Christians to know that victory is not just something coming in the future but is something that has already come. In his words, “Romans chapter eight contains a virtual goldmine of worth — unnoticed nuggets of knowledge just waiting for us to ‘text-cavate’ in our own personal land and life-scapes, as we journey toward the heavenly home.
Dingley refers to a number of his own experiences which help the reading come alive with real-life applications. Being more than conquerors means victory in the battle, which in turn brings a spiritual joy that is undefeatable. That inward victory is made possible by Christ’s victory over temptations to sin and over death itself. Our resurrection in baptism raises us to a new life, and Christ’s resurrection makes it possible to be raised from the grave of death to eternal life with God.
Every Christian goes through various trials. The author devotes a good deal of time on how to be victorious through them and how the Christian can use them to his or her advantage. God equips the Christian in many ways, but God’s word gives the strategies on how to win. Many of our trials have to do with refining our character and removing the dross so that we can become more valuable in the kingdom of God. Whatever the source of those trials, we can, through God’s help and our cooperation, become “more than conquerors.” (Reviewed by Charles R. Williams, Gallatin, Tenn.; Gospel Advocate Magazine, May 2016, Volume 158, No. 5, pg. 4)
Could you use some incredible encouragement? Do you need a better understanding of, and the scriptural empowerment to live, the daily victory the Lord Jesus Christ died to provide His often pain-pummeled people despite their earthly plight? If you or some other Christian you know struggles at times with doubt, discouragement, and daily difficulties at the hands of Satan, instead of realizing, utilizing, living and enjoying the daily victory we already possess (but so seldom access) thanks to Jesus, then might we humbly suggest you contact James Kay Publishing ( to order your copy of More Than Conquerors today? (See: for more information on MTC.)