Doug and his wife were both born and raised in Maine without any regular church attendance or affiliation. But in their mid-twenties, after having been invited to attend the Bible studies and worship services of the local congregation of the Lord's church (Romans 16:16), and then being taught therein only the exclusive truth of God's holy word over the next several months, they both obeyed the gospel (2 Thessalonians 1:7-11) by being baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of their sins in accordance with God's divine directives (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 2:37-41; 22:16; Romans 6:1-18; 1st Peter 3:21), and were subsequently saved and added by God to His Son's one, New Testament church (Acts 2:47; Ephesians 1:22, 4:4-6), in April of 1985.

Website Pic #1 (Favorite)

After studying, serving, working, and worshiping with the church there for approximately a decade and a half, he was blessed by God to become a full-time gospel preacher on October 8th, 2001. Since that time he has served as the full-time evangelist/pulpit minister for four different congregations up to and including today. He has also been very blessed and privileged to preach and teach God's word at numerous lectureships, seminars, gospel meetings, and summer Bible camps in a wide variety of states and venues, including Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi.

He currently preaches and teaches God's word where he and his wife have the definitive and God-given blessing of being able to serve and work alongside the very loving and faithful saints who comprise the Chouteau Hills congregation of the church of Christ, in Chouteau, Oklahoma (www.chouteauhillscofc.org).

In addition to his three books that have been recently published and are available from Amazon and James Kay Publishing, there are approximately fifty very scripturally-sound Bible studies, plus hundreds of completely free and full length MP3-formatted audio sermons as taught and presented by Doug which can be found, accessed, downloaded, studied, and explored at your convenience from this website

He has also written and been blessed to have posted for your personal Christian Bible study pleasure, a large number of very scripturally-sound biblical articles on brother Travis Main's Church of Christ Articles website, which can be accessed at www.churchofchristarticles.com. Check them out today!

God bless and good studying!