Posts Tagged ‘Bible’
The GREATer Sin
We have a tendency to believe and teach that all sin is the same; that “sin is sin” as the old saying goes. And we do so for the most part, with pretty good reason. For example, we explain: ‘The Scripture lists such sinners as “gossips” and “slanderers,” right alongside and in the very same…
Read MoreThe Great Easter Verse Hunt
Most Bible-professing Protestants are quite shocked when they eventually discover that “Easter” isn’t even in the Bible. It is never found in any of the more modern, dependable, strictly literal translations, and actually only occurs once in the King James version (Acts 12:4), wherein the word is a 1611 substitution — not translation — for…
Read MoreOf Funeral Flyers & Futility
Funerals. Memorial Services. Call them whatever you’d like. Since our arrival in Cleveland during the spring of 2009 to serve the Lord’s people as the preacher and his wife, I have been called upon to conduct some 19 of them, with countless others occurring in and amongst the lives of the congregation members, their family,…
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